ParentURL Property (ADO)
ADO 2.5 API Reference

ParentURL Property

Indicates an absolute URL string that points to the parent Record of the current Record object.

Return Value

Returns a String value that indicates the URL of the parent Record.


The ParentURL property depends upon the source used to open the Record object. For example, the Record may be opened with a source containing a relative path name of a directory referenced by the ActiveConnection property.

Suppose "second" is a folder contained under "first". Open the Record object with the following:

record.ActiveConnection = "http://first"
record.Open "second"

Now, the value of the ParentURL property is "http://first", the same as ActiveConnection.

The source may also be an absolute URL such as, "http://first/second". The ParentURL property is then "http://first", the level above "second".

This property may be a null value if:

This property is read-only.

Note   This property is only supported by document source providers, such as the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing. For more information, see Records and Provider-Supplied Fields.
Note   URLs using the http scheme will automatically invoke the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing. For more information, see Absolute and Relative URLs.
Note   If the current record contains a data record from an ADO Recordset, accessing the ParentURL property causes a run-time error, indicating that no URL is possible.

See Also

Applies To: Record Object

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